Tuesday, September 20, 2011



I've had a really great -- busy -- fun summer.  I was able to complete my SCUBA certification & am the first Scout in my Unit to earn the SCUBA merit badge.  I was also able to complete my Advanced Certification this summer.  

There is a Scout Troop in a town about 45 miles away that focuses on diving & they go diving once a month.  They've invited me to go along with them and that's been a lot of fun.  My favorite dive location has been at Clear Lake, which is VERY VERY COLD!  But it has visibility of over 200 feet, which is unheard of around here.   I about froze my legs off, the water was only 43°.....and my wet suit is a little large.  I hope to get my Dad to go with me there next summer when it warms up again.  

The SCUBA merit badge has been my most favorite MB by FAR!!   I highly recommend it.