Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life Scout Project

This morning I met with the city Parks Maintenance Supervisor and the Public Works Superintendent to talk about my idea for my Life Scout Project.  Not every Scout actually DOES a big Life Scout Project but I want to.

(Drum Roll, please!!).......
I am heading up a project to install an Orienteering Course at a Park here in town.  It's a relatively new park and is named "Discovery Meadows".  I think learning compass reading skills can help lead to a lot of discoveries.   I've got about 22 acres to play with in making up the course.

Anyway, the meeting this morning went as well as could be expected.  I have to get approval from one more person before I really get started.   I hope that approval comes before Christmas.

I'll  keep an update on the progress here on The Scout Boy.   In the meantime, I've got lots to think about and figure out what to do.

This is the Scout Boy, signing off.


  1. Nate, this sounds like an excellent and well thought out project. Not many scouts your age would take on so much. I wish you well and admire your willingness to take on a leadership role in your community.

  2. WAY TO GO! You are positively the coolest scout I know, keep up the good work!

  3. Orienteering, huh? I tried to get that merit badge one year at scout camp, but I failed the course. Maybe with a park like the one you're planning I could have gotten good enough!
    Good luck!

  4. That is one of the merit badges that Doug bends over backwards working with his scouts on. How awesome to have a local course already done to work on!!
