Sunday, January 9, 2011

There's a LOT Going On!! HELP!

Okay, so it's been more than a week since I wrote anything.  You won't believe all that's been going on!

For those of you that have asked (and really for all of you who haven't as well, since this is a public not private blog) -- the Orienteering Project is coming along nicely.  I had meeting this last week with the City Parks and Public Works folks.  8 of the 9 original WayPoints are great.  We need to wiggle #9 around a little bit.  We decided on some basics for each Point - whether it would be a big rock or a bench, etc.  And we've decided on the 9 names for the Way Points.  I haven't decided to make those public yet, but if you'd like to take a guess that would be fun.  I'm waiting to meet with the Cement Man, and one of these days soon we should have some cost projections.  THEN I'll have to figure out how to raise money for the Project.  (and National Jamboree in 2014, but that's another post.)

I finished the Lifesaving Merit Badge this week.  It's not one that I thought I'd be earning already, but I took a really awesome class at the Aquatics Center and I discovered that it completed about 90% of the requirements.  One of the things we had to learn was the Side Stroke.  It seemed harder than it should be since I've been swimming the competitive strokes for so long I didn't know what it was like to learn a new stroke.  But learn it I did.  I really enjoyed the class. 

Anyway, Lifesaving was Merit Badge #20 for me.  It is also one of the Eagle Required Merit Badges.  

Speaking of Eagle Required Merit Badges, on Saturday this week I attended a Merit Badge Clinic, (why do they call it a clinic and not classes?) and I started 3 or maybe 4 new Merit Badges.  Are you wondering why I don't know if there are 3 or 4?  The Instructor for my 4th class didn't show up, so I'll need to guess at homework to get started on and show up with it next month.  Speaking of homework, my other MB homework just jumped into the room and landed on my face.  AAAARRRRGH! Someone make it go away!

The classes I'm working on for the next 4 months are:  Personal Management, Family Life, Citizenship in the World, and the pesky unknown, Communications.   I haven't decided which is my favorite yet.  

Coming up this week is the State Tournament for my Robotics Team and I'm pretty freaked out about that.  (not in a good way.)  I get freaked out when I have a lot of things to do all at the same time.

Today Papa and I officially signed up for a super-cool hike during Spring Break in the REDWOODS!!  Fortunately that's a couple of months away, since we have to do training hikes for it.  Time to dig out the Backpack, load it up and start walking.   I hope to get some opinions on things to review during the training hikes.

!^3**#.  That homework is staring me down and I need to get it done.  See you next post!
Lifesaving Merit Badge


The ScoutBoy


  1. Great blog, scout. Congrats on learning the side stroke. It has become my favorite since I can keep my head above water and keep my glasses on.
